Home Garden

How to Grow Green Pole Beans

Pole beans grow on vines and produce beans throughout the growing season. Pole beans take up less space than bush beans, and they come in many varieties. Common pole bean varieties include Blue Lake, Kentucky Blue and Italian. Once you choose the variety of pole bean you wish to grow, you can begin to prepare your planting site. Pole beans have a long harvest period, and they will grow almost anywhere.

Things You'll Need

  • Shovel
  • Compost
  • 6 bamboo poles
  • Plastic zip tie or rope
  • Grass clippings
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      Choose a location that receives six hours of direct sunlight daily. The location also needs well-drained soil.

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      Dig the soil to a depth of 1 foot with the shovel. Remove any roots and rocks from the soil, and mix compost into the top 6 inches to keep the pole beans healthy.

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      Place a tepee trellis for the pole beans to climb. You can create one by designating a circle 4 feet in diameter, and placing six bamboo poles in even increments 18 inches deep into the ground. Gather the poles at the top and secure them together with a plastic zip tie or rope.

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      Plant the pole beans outdoors once the threat of frost passes. Make a mound of dirt approximately 6 inches wide and 3 inches tall around each pole. Plant five pole beans seeds in the mound at least 2 to 4 inches apart and 1 inch deep.

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      Keep the tepee trellises at least 8 feet apart in rows. Once the seeds germinate to 3 inches in height, thin them out by removing the two weakest seedlings on each mound.

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      Train the pole beans to grow on the poles. Tie the pole beans loosely to the trellis with rope. Place 3 inches of grass clippings at the base of each pole to help keep the soil moist.