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Basic Information About the Cluster Bean Plant in Pakistan

The cluster bean plant is a legume that is thought to have originated in Pakistan or India. It is grown worldwide because of the useful gum that it produces. However, production in Pakistan is threatened due to poor growing conditions and the country's inability to process all of the plant that is already grown.
  1. History

    • The cluster bean plant, Cyamopsis tetragonoloba, also known as guar, is a legume that is grown predominantly in Pakistan and in India. The plant is thought to have originated in India. In 1903, guar was introduced to America from India. In the U.S., guar production is centered in Oklahoma and Texas.

    Physical Description

    • Guar is a bushy plant that can reach nearly 10 feet in height. It grows many stiff branches that have tiny white hairs on them and small leaflets that can grow around 4 inches long. The cluster bean plant produces white and pink flowers as well as green pods that contain the beans. The bean plant grows a strong root system that covers much more area than the above-ground portion of the plant.

    Growing Conditions

    • The guar plant requires relatively warm temperatures to grow. The soil needs to be at least 70 degrees Fahrenheit in order for the seeds to germinate. The cluster bean plant is drought resistant, however if the plant is irrigated, the production of legumes will increase drastically. The bean plant will grow best in full sun, though partial shade will suffice if necessary. Adding compost and organic matter to the growing site will increase productivity, as will planting in a loamy or slightly sandy soil.


    • Cluster beans are predominantly grown for gum production. The gum, galactomannan gum, is derived from its seeds and it has a variety of non-food and food uses. The bean is also grown as a vegetable that is eaten usually in French dishes or as a curry vegetable. The bean is not usually grown in the garden, but some people find it to be a nice addition to their garden, and it can be used to fix nutrients in the soil.

    Agricultural Production

    • In Pakistan as well as in the United States and in India, the guar plant is grown for the production of its gum seeds. When grown for its seeds, the grower can expect to produce 1 to 3 tons per hectare, whereas when it is grown for green fodder, almost 45 tons per hectare can be produced. In Pakistan, the plant is considered a "poor man's" crop because, according to the Pakistan Agricultural Research Council, the few guar gum processing plants that are in Pakistan are failing.