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How Do I Grow Black Eye Peas?

Black-eyed peas (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.), also called cowpeas, are warm season crops and, as such, are heat and drought tolerant. Native to Africa, there are vining and bush type black-eyed peas, with the bush-type more commonly grown in the backyard garden. Black-eyed peas are fast growing, germinating within 10 days and maturing within 90 days of planting. Plant the black-eyed pea seeds directly into the garden when the soil warms to 65 degrees F.

Things You'll Need

  • Compost
  • Fertilizer
  • Fungicide
  • Insecticide
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      Choose a place to plant the black-eyed peas that receives full sun all day.

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      Amend the soil in the planting area by adding a 3-inch layer of compost and mixing it into the top 6 inches of soil. Rake the bed until it is level and smooth.

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      Water the planting area to a depth of 4 inches.

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      Plant the black-eyed pea seeds 1 inch deep, with eight seeds per foot of row.

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      Side-dress the seedlings when they germinate with a 12-48-0 fertilizer, at the rate listed on the label. Side-dressing is a form of fertilizing that does not allow the fertilizer direct contact with the plants' roots. To side-dress, dig a trench 2 inches deep, 2 inches to the side of the seedlings. Scatter the fertilizer on the bottom of the trench and cover with soil. Water to a depth of 6 inches.

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      Water the black-eyed peas only if the weather is very dry. Water the soil and not the foliage to avoid fungal diseases.

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      Inspect the black-eyed pea plants for signs of disease. Rust, powdery mildew and fusarium wilt are common fungal diseases and can be treated with fungicides registered for use on black-eyed peas, such as Maxim-XL, Thiram and Metalaxyl. Apply fungicide according to package directions.

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      Treat black-eyed pea insect infestations with pesticides registered for use on the plant, such as insecticidal soap, Sevin or Trilogy. Follow all label precautions and apply at the rate suggested.

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      Harvest the black-eyed peas when they are young if you are going to be eating them fresh. If you are growing them for dried beans, wait until the pods turn brown to harvest.