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Can You Grow Green Beans in a Topsy Turvy?

Green beans are part of the legume family and feature some standard growth features. They grow on bushes or vines, depending on the variety, and require full sun, good drainage and plenty of nutrition. Beans grow well in pots and Topsy Turvy planters, on patios or indoors.
  1. Beans in Containers

    • Beans are a highly successful crop in planters and containers of all sorts, as long as they receive the right type of care. In standard pots and containers, pole bean varieties, which grow long vines, require support from a stake or veggie cage.

    Topsy Turvy Planters

    • Topsy Turvy planters hang upside down to give their plants plenty of light, air circulation and protection from the ground and its diseases. This growing method also protects plants from insects and pests, which are particularly drawn to tender plants such as beans. Beans of bush and pole varieties grow well in Topsy Turvy planters.

    Growing Beans

    • Green beans require specific growing conditions, even in Topsy Turvy planters. Beans should get rich, nutritious soil with plenty of organic compost, full sun exposure all day and at least 1 inch of water a week.