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How Long After Planting Do Bean Pods Grow?

Although Jack and the beanstalk was an extreme example, most beans sprout quickly and grow fast. Seed germination time, however, depends upon temperature and varies slightly among bean varieties.
  1. Stages

    • Beans have four developmental stages: germination, growth, pod development and maturation. During germination, the seedling emerges and grows until three nodes are visible on the main stem. This can take seven days in warm temperatures, or as long as 31 days at 59 degree Fahrenheit.

    Time Frame

    • After a bean seed sprouts, it moves into the growth stage, where it shoots up for another two weeks before the first blossom appears at one of the nodes. The first pod will appear soon after --- about three weeks after planting in warm soil --- but the pods will not mature for another few weeks.


    • Like all plants, beans grow faster in good soil with appropriate moisture. They sprout fastest in moist, warm soil and grow best in well-drained, loam soils. Sensitive to excess water, bean seeds rot in cool, wet soils.