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How to Plant Oklahoma Cowpea

Cowpea is an annual warm-season legume that is native to Africa. The most common variety of cowpea is the black-eyed pea, although other varieties exist. Cowpeas can be harvested when they are green and eaten fresh, or harvested when they are dry. The cowpea will grow rapidly at any temperature above 65 degrees Fahrenheit. These legumes need full sun and well-drained soil to thrive.

Things You'll Need

  • Rake
  • Hoe
  • Compost
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      Choose an area in your yard to plant the Oklahoma cowpeas. Choose a place with full sun and well-drained, sandy soil. Rake the soil well to remove any rocks or weeds. Work 6 to 8 inches of compost into the soil to a depth of 10 inches.

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      Dig holes 1 to 1-½ inches deep and space them 2 to 4 inches apart. Space the rows approximately 30 inches apart. Plant the cowpea seeds when the temperature is above 65 degrees Fahrenheit.

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      Place the cowpea seeds in the holes and cover the holes with soil. Pat the soil down firmly.

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      Water the cowpeas well for 5 minutes.