Home Garden

Spots on Green Bean Leaves

Green beans in a home garden are susceptible to a variety of diseases and pests. Rotating the growing location of beans each year and using well-drained soil will largely eliminate leaf spot diseases, but you need to identify them and treat them when they occur.
  1. Causes

    • Spots on green beans are typically caused by bacterial blight or mosaic viruses. The spots can range in color from yellow to bronze, and often a halo-like ring will encircle the spot over time. Aphids often spread the diseases.


    • Leaf spot diseases often cause leaves to dry up and fall prematurely. The spots will eventually spread to the green bean pods and effect the quality of the vegetable. If treated promptly, leaf spot diseases rarely kill a plant.


    • Avoiding the overuse of fertilizer and manure helps to reduce the likelihood of leaf spot development. Gardeners should not work on plants when leaves are wet, as bacteria is often spread in moist conditions. Treating aphid problems in and around the plants will also prevent the spread of leaf spot diseases.