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Do Kidney Bean Plants Need Water to Grow?

Kidney bean plants, known scientifically as Phaseolus vulgaris, require water to grow. All plants need water for the process of transpiration and photosynthesis and to maintain the structure and shape of plant cells.
  1. Transpiration and Photosynthesis

    • Plants absorb water from the soil through their roots. The water moves through the plant to open pores in leaves through a process called transpiration. Water then evaporates into the air as the plant takes in carbon dioxide and releases oxygen. Plants also use water during photosynthesis, a process by which plants turn energy from the sun into energy and nutrients necessary for growth.


    • Kidney beans require water to germinate from dried seeds. Growers should soak dried kidney beans in luke-warm water for approximately eight hours before sowing them 1/2-inch deep in soil. Kidney bean plants require moist soil to produce sprouts.

    Adult Plants

    • Kidney bean plants require regular water to grow and produce beans. According to Clemson University, water comprises up to 90 percent of growing plant tissue. In the case of kidney beans, excess water can cause root rot problems. Gardeners should water maturing kidney bean plants only when the soil dries out.