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How Often Do You Need to Water Pole Beans?

Beans are summertime vegetables and grow in either bush or pole varieties. Both varieties require adequate moisture to grow, bloom and set their fruit.
  1. The Facts

    • Pole beans grow long vines that require support for growth, as opposed to bush beans, which support themselves. Because pole beans grow upward and feature only one vine, they are easier to harvest than bush beans.


    • According to Purdue University, pole beans require deep, crumbly soil that retains moisture for the beans. Adding compost to the soil adds nutrition for the beans and helps the soil hold moisture for the long term.


    • Purdue University states that moisture is most important for pole beans when they begin to bloom and set their fruit. Too little moisture results in flowers and bean pods dropping off the plants.


    • Gardeners should water their pole beans with at least 1 inch of water every week. Deep, thorough weekly waterings result in better growth than frequent shallow waterings. Gardeners in extremely hot areas may need to increase their watering; beans should never sit in dry soil.