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Can Garbanzo Beans Be Germinated to Grow Plants?

Garbanzo beans, also know as chick peas, require a long cool growing season taking 100 days to harvest from planting. The seeds grow inside a papery outer coating which is easily removed by rubbing. Soak the seeds in water for 24 hours for faster germination.
  1. Dried

    • Bulk purchase garbanzo beans in the dried food section of the grocery store or bagged on the shelf will germinate in most cases. If the beans are more than two years old the germination rate may decrease from younger beans. Test the germination rate by placing 30 or so beans in a container of water. Place the container in a warm place. Count how many seeds have germinated after 10 days to two weeks and divide by three. That's the germination rate.

    Commercial Seeds

    • Garbanzo seeds are not commonly carried by big box stores or small garden centers. They are available from seed catalogs. Plant after the last average frost in the spring. The leaves are edible fresh as well as the fresh beans.

    Canned or Frozen

    • Garbanzo beans in a can, or frozen after being cooked, will not germinate because they've been exposed to high temperatures through the cooking process.