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How to Dry Holy Basil Leaves

A symbol of love, purification, protection and eternal life in India, holy basil (or tulsi) makes a flavorful herbal tea. Many people in India use it as an herbal treatment for a variety of ailments, as well as in worship. Gardeners consider it an annual in northern climates and some people even use it to make herbal honey. Harvesting and drying holy basil is a simple process that will help you enjoy this aromatic herb.

Things You'll Need

  • Scissors
  • Gardening gloves
  • Drying rack or large basket
  • A jar with an airtight lid
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    • 1

      Snip off the plant from the top, leaving three or four leaf nodes (places where a leaf attaches to the stem) when the plant is forming buds.

    • 2

      Put the cuttings in a drying rack or large basket in a dry place, out of the sun.

    • 3

      Toss the cuttings once or twice a day for one to two weeks, or until dry and crispy.

    • 4

      Remove the leaves by holding one end and running your thumb and forefinger down the stem.

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      Store the leaves in a clean, dry, airtight jar.