Home Garden

How to Plant Basil Indoors

Basil is an annual kitchen herb of the mint family with more than 40 varieties and numerous uses. For example, it is the main ingredient in pesto, an Italian sauce for pasta and pizza, and it is also used as a tea for digestive problems. Being native to southern Asia and the South Pacific islands, basil also flavors many Asian dishes. To grow basil indoors, start the plant from seeds, find a location in your home that gets six to eight hours of sun daily (or use a grow lamp), and keep the roots moist but not soggy.

Things You'll Need

  • Seed tray
  • Seed starter mix
  • Water
  • Basil seeds
  • Clear plastic film
  • Heating pad (optional)
  • 2-inch planters
  • Potting mix
  • Gravel
  • Scissors
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    • 1

      Fill a seed tray that has drainage holes with a sterile seed starter mix and moisten it.

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      Sow seeds 1/2 inch apart on the soil surface and cover them with a thin layer of the seed starter mix. The seeds should be buried to a depth that’s no deeper than twice their size. Moisten them with a fine mist to avoid dislodging them.

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      Cover the seed tray with clear plastic film to conserve moisture and heat. The soil should be at 70 degrees Fahrenheit for germination. If necessary, put the seed tray on a heating pad set to low. In five to seven days, you should have baby basil plants.

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      Keep the basil seedlings at 70 degrees Fahrenheit or higher and water the soil regularly. Basil roots don’t tolerate dry conditions, but they also die if they have to stand in water. In addition, if your home doesn’t have adequate natural lighting, put the plants under a grow lamp or a height-adjustable fluorescent light.

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      Transplant basil seedlings to two-inch pots when they have two to three sets of true leaves. Add potting soil to the planters and put the basil in holes that are the same depth and width as their roots. Continue to keep the plants moist and exposed to light. For good drainage, put a one-inch layer of gravel on the bottom of the pots before adding the potting mix.

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      Prune basil stems and pinch flower buds to encourage vigorous development.