Home Garden

How Deep to Plant Basil

Basil is an aromatic herb used in home cooking. Planted in home herb gardens, the tender perennial is often grown as an annual due to its sensitivity to growing conditions. Basil is best planted in areas with hot summers and must be protected from the cold and frost. The herb also grows well indoors in containers.
  1. Depth

    • Seeds are planted indoors in the spring or outdoors after all danger of frost has passed. Spread seeds over the soil and cover with 1/2-inch loose soil. Planting seeds more than 1/2-inch deep will prevent them from germinating.


    • Grow basil from seed, as young seedlings do not transplant well. Plant 12 to 15 seeds per foot of garden area. Space purchased basil plants in outdoor gardens 12 to 18 inches apart. Young seedlings can be planted in containers with other herbs 8 to 12 inches apart.


    • Basil seeds begin to germinate in five to 10 days, then begin growing rapidly. Basil requires well-drained soil and full sun when planted outdoors. Place the containers in a sunny window when they are grown indoors or brought in for the winter.