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Slugs Are Eating My Basil Plants

Slugs are common pests among tender basil plants. Whether grown in containers or in a garden bed, slugs are a serious threat to basil leaves. Protect outdoor basil plants and eliminate slugs to keep plants healthy and producing longer.
  1. Observation

    • Check the leaves for slug damage, as evident by holes in the leaves and slime trails left on the leaves and around the base of the plant. Slugs may be visible on the plant depending on the time of day and weather conditions.


    • Remove slugs from on and around basil plants by picking them off with gloved hands. Carefully check under leaves, as small slugs are able to hide easily. Alternatively, use an eyedropper to drop one or two drops of undiluted distilled white vinegar onto the slug. The vinegar will dissolve the slug, however be careful not to get any vinegar on the basil plant.


    • Add a fresh layer of bark mulch around the base of the basil plant in the garden or in the container. Slugs will not slither onto the mulch as it scratches their tender skin.