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What Is a Rhoeo Discolor Plant?

Rhoeo discolor, also known as Rhoeo spathacea, is the scientific name of a plant often called oyster plant or Moses in a boat. This tropical species, according to the Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council, sometimes escapes cultivation to cause problems in the ecosystem of Florida. Rhoeo discolor, typically grown as a greenhouse or houseplant, is relatively easy to grow under the right conditions.
  1. Description

    • The foliage of Rhoeo discolor are thick and possess a sword shape, with stout stems that develop new growth. Most forms of this species are a combination of two colors, with the upper surfaces of the leaves being green and the undersides being shades of red or purple. Variegated forms with leaves of green, white, pink and yellow exist. Rhoeo discolor grows to 12 inches tall, but can be as wide as 24 inches.

    Modified Leaves

    • Two modified leaves known as bracts occur around the flowers, with the leaves combining to surround the flowers in such a manner that they resemble a tiny boat. This feature gives the plant its odd name of "Moses in a boat" or "three men in a boat," with the three-petaled flowers representing Moses or the three men. The bracts are typically the same color as the surrounding foliage.

    Growing Conditions

    • Plant Rhoeo discolor in partial shade or full sun. The plant adapts to many different kinds of soils and in some instances, in the wild, it grows on the trunks of palm trees, with no soil necessary to support the plant. These plants are quite sensitive to cold temperatures, so it makes sense to keep them inside as container plants.


    • In the tropics, Rhoeo discolor is a staple in gardens. After being introduced into the United States, the plant escaped from gardens and it became a naturalized species in the pine forests and cultivated fields of Florida. Once this species establishes itself, it creates a thick ground cover capable of preventing the growth of native tree seedlings.

      Some people develop a rash or feel as stinging sensation after coming into contact with Rhoeo discolor or its sap. Dogs are also vulnerable to developing skin rashes when exposed to the plant.