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About FlowerPower Spider White Osteospermum

"FlowerPower Spider White" osteospermum (Osteospermum ecklonis) is a variety of African daisy, sometimes called cape daisy, with sprawling, highly-detailed white petals. It is a tender perennial commonly treated as an annual in U.S. Department of Agriculture Zones 8 and below. The plants do well in hot, sunny locations and make a good choice for southern gardens.
  1. Description and Growth Habit

    • "FlowerPower Spider White" osteospermum grows up to 14 inches tall and forms mounded clumps up to 20 inches in diameter. It has vibrant green foliage overshadowed by eye-catching, unusual-looking blooms. The blooms have white, spoon-shaped flower petals with pinkish-brown edges. The center of each bloom is deep brown or black and makes an impressive contrast against the light-colored petals. The flowers appear in spring and continue to form until temperatures cool in fall.

    Site Selection and Planting

    • "FlowerPower Spider White" osteospermum plants thrive in full sun and tolerate heat well. They grow well in practically any soil provided it has excellent drainage. Start the plants from seed several weeks before the last expected frost in spring. Plant seedlings in the garden after temperatures warm and the threat of frost has passed. Plant the seedlings at least 1 foot apart and water them deeply after transplanting. Mulch around the plants to keep the roots cool and moist. "FlowerPower Spider White" osteospermum plants also do well in containers.

    Care and Maintenance

    • Supplemental watering promotes a healthy root system and continuous blooms. This is especially important during extreme heat and for container-grown "FlowerPower Spider White" osteospermum plants. The plants perform best if provided with balanced, water-soluble fertilizer each week. Snip off blooms as they fade to encourage new flowers to form. Trim growth back in mid to late summer to eliminate scraggly branches and promote a final wave of blooms before fall's arrival.

    Common Pests

    • "FlowerPower Spider White" osteospermum plants are prone to aphids, white flies and thrips. Wash the foliage periodically with a strong blast from the garden hose to eliminate small infestations. Control larger infestations with insecticidal soap, which eliminates pests on the plants without causing widespread harm to beneficial insects. Watering and feeding the flowers regularly is vital, as insects are more likely cause significant damage to unhealthy plants. Contact your local extension office for treatment suggestions if problems persist.