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How to Take Care of an Electric Lime Coleus

Coleus "Electric Lime" (Solenostemon scuttelarriodes "Electric Lime") is a plant grown for its vibrant, green, variegated foliage. It grows well in both sun and shade, and at full maturity it can reach 18 to 20 inches tall and approximately 18 inches wide. Electric Lime is a tropical plant, hardy only in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 11 and 12. It's typically grown in containers, or planted outdoors in the garden in the spring and treated as an annual. Once planted, Electric Lime needs little maintenance and care to thrive.

Things You'll Need

  • Fertilizer
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      Water a newly planted Electric Lime outdoors in the garden two times a week in the spring. Then, water it once a week when the weather is hot and dry. For a container-grown coleus, stick your finger about 1 inch deep into the soil every day or two. If it feels dry, water the plant thoroughly. Water a coleus at the base of the plant rather than from above. Wet leaves are more susceptible to fungal diseases, such as downy mildew.

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      Pinch the stems back 2 to 3 inches, just above a set of leaves, after Electric Lime is first planted. Repeat pinching one or two times in the spring as new growth appears. This practice will encourage a full, plush plant rather than a tall, lanky one.

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      Fertilize a coleus once a month during the summer. Use a balanced, liquid or granular fertilizer, applying half the recommended dosage on the label. For an outdoor Electric Lime plant, if you mixed in a slow-releasing fertilizer at planting time, no additional feedings are necessary.

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      Examine the Electric Lime plant frequently for signs of pests, such as scale and mealybugs. Look on the undersides of the leaves, as well as the stems. If you spot bumps, sticky residue or damaged leaves, identify the bugs and treat accordingly.