Home Garden

List of Annual Flowers

Annuals are plants that need to be planted every year because they live out their entire lives in one growing season. If conditions are good, the seeds left behind by the previous season's annuals sprout. Some plants that are considered annuals are perennials or biennials.
  1. Baby's Breath

    • Baby's Breath enjoys full sun, growing to a height of about 18 inches. They only flower for about six weeks, so to have them bloom for your full growing season, you have to stagger your plantings.


    • Cornflowers usually grow blue flowers on 2- to 3-foot stalks. The flowers are about 2 inches across.


    • Cosmos are a half-hardy annual, meaning they can take minimal exposure to frost as opposed to tender annuals, which can't tolerate frost. They produce flowers that look similar to daisies, the plants growing up to 8 feet tall.


    • Marigolds come in many sizes and colors, usually white, yellow and orange. They like full sun unless they're planted in a very hot climate.


    • Moonflowers open at sunset and bloom through the night and into the morning with 6-inch white flowers. They grow on twining vines with heart-shaped leaves, the vines growing up to 10 feet in one year.

    Morning Glory

    • Morning Glories are great for early risers because their up to 8-inch blossoms open at dawn and close in the midmorning. The plant is a vine that can grow up to 10 feet in just a few months.