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Croton Capitatus & Uses

Croton Capitatus is also known as hogwart and woolly croton. It has been used as an herbal, holistic remedy but can also be toxic. Consumers should be sure to understand its proper use.
  1. Native to Southeast

    • Cronton Capitatus is native to the southeastern United States.

    Growth conditions

    • Erowid.org, a website that educates the public about psychoactive plants, describes Cronton Capitatus as an annual plant. It grows well in dry areas in sandy, rocky soil.


    • The plant stands erect with branched stems that are covered with thick, light brown, wooly hairs, which is how it was given the name wooly croton.


    • Cronton Capitatus contains croton oil, which is a strong therapeutic that had been used as a laxative for many years. It may cause rashes, diarrhea or pain in the mouth and throat. It may also cause abdominal pain and nausea. It is no longer considered safe to use.


    • KSWidleFlowers.org reports that If ingested by livestock or small animals it may result in death. However they rarely eat it because it has a bitter taste. The seeds of the plant are enjoyed by wild birds.