Home Garden

How to Care for a Nemesia Aromatica Plant

Bring delicate, scented flowers with soft pastel colors into your garden with Nemesia Aromatica. Grown outdoors as an annual plant, Nemesia is used in flowerbeds, for edging or in a container garden. The plant grows from 6 inches to a foot tall. Its clusters of small snapdragon-shaped flowers, dark-green elongated leaves and light aroma add a sense of whimsy to the summer garden.

Things You'll Need

  • Garden trowel
  • Compost
  • Mulch
  • Fertilizer
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      Plant Nemesia Aromatica outdoors in late spring when daytime temperatures consistently reach 60 degrees Fahrenheit and all danger of frost has passed. Choose a spot that receives full sun during most of the daylight hours.

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      Mix compost into the planting soil, whether you place the plant directly in the garden or in a container garden. Spread mulch around the base of the plant to retain warmth and moisture.

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      Pinch the new growth off of half the stems after the Nemesia Aromatica plant has been growing in place for a month. This will promote greater production of the plant's scented flowers.

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      Water Nemesia Aromatica once a week at minimum. During hot, dry weather, water twice a week or more frequently if the plants appear wilted. Spread additional mulch or grass clippings around the plant in hotter weather to retain moisture in the soil.

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      Apply fertilizer lightly twice a month to a Nemesia Aromatica plant in a container garden. Nemesia planted directly in the garden may be fertilized once a month. Use all-purpose plant food, and water it into the soil thoroughly.