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Winter Hardy Pansies

Pansies are one of the few flowering plants that can provide color in the garden during winter. These are very tough little plants that can survive frosts, light snow and brief freezes.
  1. Description

    • Yellow pansies

      Pansies are short bushy plants about 9 inches tall with green herbaceous branches. The leaves are green and oval or heart shaped.


    • Multi-colored pansy

      The flowers are 1 to 4 inches wide, depending on the type, and come in every color. The flowers can be single- or multi-colored.


    • Black pansy

      Pansies will grow year-round all over the United States except in the northern plains where it is too cold in winter and the south where it is too hot in the summer. Winter pansies can be grown in USDA hardiness zones 4 through 8.


    • Field of pansies

      Pansies need full sun to part shade in well draining slightly acidic and organically enriched soil. Apply 2 inches of mulch around the plants to help them through cold spells in the winter.


    • Group of pansies

      Pansies are best utilized in groups raised beds of one or two different colors planted together or singly above spring bulbs to fill in the space when the bulb is dormant. The flowers and the leaves are edible.