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Non Flowering Annual Plants

Non-flowering annual plants are necessary to any landscape scheme. They help fill in gaps among flowering plants and spice up flower beds with their texture and interest. They can also help subdue and even out a brightly flowered garden or flower bed. When flower blooms lose their luster and begin to whither in the summer heat, these non-flowering plants take up the slack and keep the garden looking healthy and beautiful.
  1. Bull's Blood Beet

    • Bull's Blood beet is classified as an edible ornamental. Although this is a fruit-bearing annual, it is often planted for its burgundy-red foliage. The leaves of this non-flowering annual are dense, deeply colored, metallic and glossy. Throw this annual into the mix of green plants for a nice contrast. Plant Bull's Blood beet in borders, beds, or containers for an ornamental effect. This annual fairs best when planted within the USDA Hardiness Zones of 6 to 9.

    Ruby Red Swiss Chard

    • Ruby Red Swiss Chard bears crinkly, dark green leaves with dabs of red throughout and apple red stems. Draw attention to this annual's red characteristics by planting it in a garden or border with other reddish plants or plants with red blooms. This frost-tolerant annual is also a good container plant with its showy foliage. Ruby Red Swiss Chard is particularly susceptible to certain problems including mildew, root rot, and fungal leaf spots. Some troublesome pests that tend to "bug" this plant are aphids, miners and caterpillars. Avoid these problems by treating the plant with the appropriate anti-fungal and insecticide per the manufacturer's usage instructions. This non-flowering annual grows best when planted within the USDA Hardiness Zones of 3 to 9.

    Elephant Ear

    • This plant is grown from tuberous bulbs and is a member of the Caladium family. It bears very large, satiny leaves that resemble the ear of an elephant, hence the plant's name. Because of its huge leaves, this annual draws attention wherever it is planted, and it adds interest to any bed, border, or container. This plant can be poisonous to pets and children, so take care to plant it where it is not easily accessible. Elephant Ears are susceptible to burrowing insects, so treat this plant with a repellent or insecticide according to the manufacturer's directions. This plant grows best when planted within the USDA Hardiness Zones of 9 to 11.