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How to Feed Potted Sunflowers

Sunflowers rarely require fertilization in garden beds, but pot-grown varieties do need additional nutrients. The plants primarily require phosphorous and potassium, indicated by the last two numbers on the fertilizer label. Nitrogen, indicated by the first number, causes lush foliage growth but minimizes flowering, so only a small amount is necessary. Fertilizer nutrients quickly flush from the sunflower soil since pots require frequent watering, so frequent applications are necessary to keep the flowers well-fed.

Things You'll Need

  • Slow-release fertilizer
  • Soluble fertilizer
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      Combine a slow-release 5-10-10 fertilizer or similar low-nitrogen blend with the potting soil before planting the sunflowers. Use the amount of fertilizer recommended on the package for the size of your container. For example, a standard 6-inch diameter pot requires ½ to 1 tsp. of fertilizer.

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      Fertilize the pot with a soluble 5-10-10 fertilizer eight weeks after planting. Dilute the fertilizer in ½ tsp. of the fertilizer in 1 gallon of water and water the sunflowers with the fertilizer solution.

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      Store unused fertilizer solution in a sealed container between applications. Reapply the soluble fertilizer every three weeks throughout the growing season.