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How to Raise Morning Glories

Morning glories grow quickly in early summer, quickly covering their trellis with greenery and flowers. These annual flowers reach up to 10 feet tall if provided with sufficient support. They require only minimal care, making them a good choice for a garden bed that needs some vertical interest. They do require a structure to climb, so planting near an existing wall or trellis works well. The vines quickly cover the structure and turn it into a living wall of greenery and flowers.


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      Rub each seed along a metal file until the white inner coating of the seed is visible. Morning glories have a harder outer seed coating that doesn't absorb water for germination without nicking.

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      Sow the seeds on the soil surface in a full-sun, well-drained bed after frost danger is past in spring. Sprinkle them in a row along the base of the support, planting approximately one seed per foot of row. Cover the seeds with a 1/4-inch layer of soil.

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      Water the bed as necessary so it remains moist. The bed may require daily watering during germination, which typically takes about one week. After germination, the bed requires watering when the top 1 to 2 inches of soil feels dry.

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      Thin the seedlings once they are tall enough to reach the trellis. Pull up the excess seedlings so the remaining plants are spaced 4 to 6 feet apart. Not all the seeds germinate, necessitating overseeding.