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How to Plant an Aster Garden

If you like daisylike flowers that make excellent cut-flower arrangements, plant an aster garden. This delightful variety of flowers is hardy to USDA Plant Hardiness Zones 3 through 8. Asters are coveted for their long stems and profusion of flowers that come in many shades of pink, red, purple and even white. Perennial growing, asters prefer cool growing temperatures and moist conditions during their active growing season; April through September. You can plant an aster garden in spring, mid-February through March, either from seeds or from already established seedlings.

Things You'll Need

  • Peat pots
  • Spoon
  • Aster seeds
  • Seeding mix
  • Spray bottle
  • Cookie sheet or seeding flat
  • Shovel
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  1. Planting Aster Seeds

    • 1

      Scoop seeding mix into peat pots until they are full. Compress the mix using the back side of a metal spoon. Add more seeding mix if needed.

    • 2

      Spray the seeding mix with water until it is moistened. Don't saturate the peat pots.

    • 3

      Plant three to four aster seeds on the surface of the seeding mix. Scatter a shallow 1/4-inch layer of the seeding mix over the aster seeds.

    • 4

      Put the peat pots into a tray or seeding flat. You can also use an aluminum baking or cookie sheet.

    • 5

      Sprinkle a shallow layer of seeding mix, about 1/8 inch deep, over the aster seeds.

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      Place the tray of peat pots into a refrigerator for four weeks. This mimics the conditions the seeds endure under natural conditions.

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      Remove the tray of peat pots after the four weeks has passed. Place the tray directly into a south- or southwest-facing window. You can also place the tray 4 to 6 inches away from a florescent light for 10 to 12 hours a day. Mist the pots with water if the seeding mix appears dry. Germination can be erratic, but typically begins in about seven to 14 days.

    • 8

      Transplant the aster seedlings once they have reach 2 to 3 inches tall or until the soil temperature has reached above 55 degrees F.

    Planting an Aster Garden

    • 9

      Choose a suitable location for the aster garden. Asters require full sun, loamy soil and good circulation to prevent mildew and verticillium wilt. The area should be 20 to 25 feet from shrubs or trees.

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      Cultivate the soil using a shovel or garden fork until it is loose and aerated. Ideally you should turn over the soil to a depth of 12 to 14 inches.

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      Dig planting holes for each aster, keeping them 1 to 3 feet apart, depending on the variety you are growing. Tall varieties such as Fireworks,needs to be spaced 3 feet apart. Smaller varieties such as Purple Dome, a dwarf variety, should be spaced about 2 feet apart. To plant your aster garden so it achieves the best display of flowers, keep the taller varieties toward the back of the planting bed, and shorter varieties toward the front.

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      Plant an aster into each hole. The topsoil in each pot should at the same level as the adjacent garden soil.

    • 13

      Scoop soil into each planting hole using care not to crush any of the peat pots. Pat the soil around each peat pot gently using your hands.

    • 14

      Water each aster, carefully avoiding wetting the foliage. Water the aster garden about once every three or four days until they are established and actively growing. The best time to water an aster garden is in early morning to prevent mildew from forming on leaves and stems.