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How to Hang Fuchsia Flowers

Most fuchsia flowers grown in gardens are hybrids. Many of the the 8,000 cultivars have a trailing habit and are suitable to hang. Use a hanging planter specifically designed to hang plants. Most fuchsias are frost tender. Their flowers, often bicolored, bloom in shades of white, pink, purple and red. They grow in clusters at the ends of stems. The flowers are pendant and have a tubular shape. Grow them in partial shade.

Things You'll Need

  • Hanging planter
  • Potting soil
  • Water
  • Hook
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      Buy fuchsias from nurseries -- get plants specially bred to be grown in a hanging planter. Read the plant tag or ask sales staff for help.

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      Buy a hanging planter from the nursery. Some are plastic pots with attached saucers and wires for hanging. Nicer hanging planters are made out of lightweight metal and have coconut husk liners.

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      Fill the planter with potting soil. Water it well until excess water drips out of the bottom.

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      Plant the fuchsias. Space plants about 1 inch apart. You want your hanging fuchsia flowers to look lush and full. Use as many plants as you can fit into the planter. Ease plants carefully out of their pots. Use your hands to make holes in the wet soil. Push the plants into the holes, tamping the soil down firmly around their root balls. Water again until the excess drips out of the bottom.

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      Screw the hook into the ceiling and hang up your plant.