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How to Plant Bin-Run Wheat

Bin-run wheat is wheat seed harvested and saved to be used to grow wheat in the future. While bin-run wheat is initially cheaper, it often has a slightly lower germination rate than certified wheat seed. It is also less resistant o disease unless you have it treated with herbicides or fungicides. Bin-run wheat seed can also have a higher number of weed seeds than certified wheat. However, the process of planting bin run wheat is the same as planting certified wheat.

Things You'll Need

  • Rake
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      Select a site with full sun and well drained soil. Wheat grows best in slightly fertile soil, although it will handle any soil type besides wet.

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      Remove all the weeds and large rocks from the soil with a rake. Rake the soil to a depth of 2 to 3 inches to loosen it for the bin-run wheat.

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      Broadcast 75 to 150 lbs. of bin-run wheat seed per acre. Rake over the seed with 1 to ½ inches of soil. No extra irrigation for the wheat is needed. It will grow come spring.