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Vines That Bloom

Blooming vines add color, sometimes fragrance, create privacy and can add a vertical element to the garden depending on the support used. Some vines are annuals, which means they grow, flower, set seed and die in one growing season and others are perennial. A perennial vine comes back from its own root system year after year. Many annual vines will flower 10 to 12 weeks after the seeds are sown.
  1. White Flowering Vines

    • Moonflower, magnolia vine, climbing hydrangea, jasmine and stephanotis vine produce white flowers. Vines with white flowers are a good choice for an evening garden, especially the moonflower since it does not open until after dark. Moonflower, jasmine, magnolia vine and stephanotis vine produce fragrant flowers. Climbing hydrangea is ideal for growing up the side of a tree. Avoid planting it against the house, since it can attach itself to your siding.

    Blue Or Purple Flowering Vines

    • Wisteria, morning glory, chocolate vine, cup-and-saucer vine, hyacinth bean and winged beauty vine have blue or purple flowers. Wisteria performs best when grown on an arbor. This is a strong vine that can tear a weak support down. Morning glory flowers come in many colors including blue and purple. This vine, like the hyacinth bean vine, is easy to start from seed outdoors once all danger of frost is past. Chocolate vine is a fast growing perennial vine with dark purple flowers that emit a chocolate fragrance in early spring. Cup and saucer vine is an annual that produces blue, pink or white flowers. Winged beauty vine has purple flowers that look like miniature bow-ties.

    Yellow Flowering Vines

    • Clematis, black-eyed Susan vine, trumpet vine, pakalana vine, cup of gold vine and climbing ylang-ylang are vines with yellow flowers. Clematis is a perennial vine whose flowers come in many colors so select one in bloom to make sure it does have yellow flowers. Black-eyed Susan vine is a fast growing annual vine. Trumpet vine is a perennial that has either yellow or orange flowers. The variety with yellow flowers is less common. Pakalana vine and climbing ylang-ylang are tropical vines grown for their highly fragrant flowers. Cup of gold vine is also a tropical vine that has huge golden-yellow, cup-shaped flowers.

    Red Flowering Vines

    • Vines that produce vibrant red flowers include cypress vine, passion flower, scarlet runner bean, honeysuckle, red jade vine and mandevilla. Cypress, or hummingbird vine, is a fast growing annual vine that produces red, white or pink flowers. Passion flower is a tropical vine whose flowers come in many colors including a very brilliant red. Scarlet runner bean is an annual vine that produces deep scarlet flowers and edible beans. Red jade vine is tropical. The long, claw-like red flower clusters attract attention in the garden when this plant is in bloom. Mandevilla flowers come in red, white and pink. The red flowers are usually single and somewhat smaller than the pink or white flowers.