Home Garden

Luffa Plants

Luffa plants are actually climbing vines that produce cucumber-like gourds. The gourds can be consumed when immature or allowed to ripen fully and used as all-natural sponges. Luffa plants require considerable room in the garden, unless trellised, as the vines grow up to 15 feet long.
  1. Features

    • Luffa plants have rough, fuzzy foliage and tough vines that closely resemble those of a cucumber. They grow quickly from seed and require a longer growing season than many other vegetables if harvested when fully ripe. Blooms appear in late spring or early summer and are followed by green gourds that grow up to 2 feet long.

    Planting and Care

    • Luffa plants grow easily from seed, but shouldn't be planted until soil temperatures have warmed in spring. In regions with unpredictable, cool springs the seeds are best sown indoors several weeks before the last frost. Like most other vegetables, luffa plants require full sun for best production and should be planted in soil that drains well. The vines can be trained to grow on a sturdy trellis, which conserves space and reduces the risk of pests and disease. Water the plants whenever the soil feels dry, especially during flowering and fruit production.

    Harvesting and Storage

    • Luffa gourds used for consumption should be harvested in mid-summer, before they reach their mature size. Leave the fruits on the vine until the skin has yellowed or turned brown to harvest at full maturity. Store young gourds in the refrigerator, as you would cucumbers or zucchini. Fully ripened fruits should be kept in a dry location with even, moderate temperatures.

    Luffa Gourd Uses

    • Luffa gourds harvested while immature can be used as a fresh vegetable or cooked in a variety of ways. Fully mature gourds are dried and used as a sponge for household cleaning or bathing. The sponges not only have the benefit of being all natural, but can also be laundered repeatedly. Prepare mature luffa gourds for use by removing the seeds and soaking overnight. The skin is then removed and the spongy interior allowed to dry in the sun.