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Vine Size for Egg Gourds

Egg gourds, cucurbita pepo var ovifera, are ornamental gourds that are in the squash, cucumber and melon family. Egg gourds grow on vines and the length of the vine will depend on several factors.
  1. Direct Seed or Transplant

    • Plant egg gourds from seed when the ground is warm and the threat of frost has passed. It takes 90 days to produce an egg gourd from a seed. Start seeds in peat pots indoors for transplanting outdoors when the weather warms in colder climates. Peat pots are the preferred method so as not to disturb the roots when transplanting.

    Grow on the Ground or on a Trellis

    • Plant egg gourd seeds in rows 10 to 15 feet across with 5 to 6 feet between plants. One egg gourd seed will produce a vine that covers a 3-by-8-foot area or more on the ground. Stretched out, one vine will grow 10 to 20 feet in length. To conserve space, grow egg gourds on a trellis or over a fence.

    Producing Strong Healthy Vines

    • Plant as soon as the ground is warm. Too early will produce weak vines; too late and the yield will be small. Plant in a sunny, well-drained location. Side dress with a 10-10-10 fertilizer when the vines begin to "run." Water consistently during any periods of drought.