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How Long Does It Take to Grow Issai Hardy Kiwi Seeds?

Growing Hardy Kiwi "Issai" from seed is an exercise in patience. It can take three years or more to grow vines mature enough to bear fruit. The reward for your wait is a prolific crop of sweet fruit with juicy green flesh that contains more vitamin C than citrus. Trellised kiwi vines also make an attractive landscape feature.
  1. Germination

    • Save seeds from a ripe kiwi by separating seeds from the pulp and drying them on a paper towel. You can also order seeds from a nursery supplier. Store the seeds in an airtight container in the refrigerator for at least three months. After the chilling period, plant the seeds no more than 1/8 inch deep in containers of potting soil. Keep the soil moist but not wet, in warm temperatures during the day and cool temperatures at night, until the seeds germinate.


    • After seedlings have four true leaves, transplant them to larger containers. Continue to grow the seedlings in containers under controlled conditions the first year. Plant the seedlings outdoors in late spring after all danger of frost has passed. Kiwi plants need a growing season of 220 to 240 days, and do best in well-draining soil with a pH of 5.0 to 6.5. A strong trellis in a sunny location with protection from strong winds is ideal. Plants are hardy down to minus 20 degrees Fahrenheit.

    Habit and Care

    • Unlike most other kiwi varieties, Issai is self-pollinating. However, locating two plants near each other will increase yields. Vines will grow up to 30 feet. Prune to maintain a single trunk, and remove all but two to four shoots. Prune annually, removing branches that fruited the previous year. Apply fertilizer in early spring while plants are dormant and again after they bloom. Kiwi vines needs consistent watering in summer.


    • Issai bears fruit after two to three years. One vine can produce up to 100 pounds of small, smooth-skinned fruits about the size of cherries. Fruit can reach mature size in midsummer, but does not ripen until late September. Pick fruit before it is fully ripe, and refrigerate it. Kiwis will keep five to six weeks in refrigeration. Ripen fruit at room temperature until it is soft, then enjoy the sweet, tart flavor suggesting a combination of strawberries, melon and citrus.