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How Do I Care for a Cissus amazonica?

Cissus amazonica is a jungle vine thought to be native to the jungles of Brazil. Most well known as an ornamental, the Cissus amazonica is a subtropical plant and only suited for outdoor growth in U.S. Department of Agriculture Growing Zones 10b and 11. For the rest of the world, Cissus amazonica makes an ideal indoor plant. It is easy to care for and its lance-shaped silver, green and burgundy leaves and winding stems can light up any room.

Things You'll Need

  • Watering can
  • Spray bottle
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      Place the Cissus amazonica where it will have access to indirect sunlight for at least six hours per day. Wherever the Cissus amazonica grows, make sure daytime temperatures remain between 70 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit and night temperatures between 50 and 65 degrees Fahrenheit.

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      Water the Cissus amazonica to keep the soil moist whenever the surface of the soil feels dry to the touch. In winter, when temperatures drop, water only when the top third of the soil in the container dries out. Resume regular watering in spring.

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      Mist the Cissus amazonica's foliage once daily, during the hottest point of the day.

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      Pick off any dead or dying leaves as you spot them. In March, if necessary, prune dead, dying or under-producing vines back to their base or back to 1/4 inch above the nearest leaf.