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Blue Pea Vine Fertilizer Needs

Clitoria ternatea, also known as blue pea vine or butterfly pea, is a fast-growing, twining and herbaceous perennial vine with bright green, ovate leaves and deep blue blossoms that feature attractive pale yellow markings. Blue pea vines grow best in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 8 through 11; elsewhere the vine may be enjoyed as an annual. With proper care, including regular fertilization, blue pea vines started from seed in will bloom in just six weeks.
  1. Site Selection

    • Blue pea vine is a vigorous plant that grows in locations with full to partial sun and fertile, well-draining soil. The vines grow best and produces the most blossoms in sites that get at least six hours of direct sunlight each day; look for a spot that receives filtered sunlight during the hottest part of the day to prevent the delicate blooms from wilting. Select a planting location near a wall, fence, trellis, arbor or pergola to take advantage of blue pea vine's attractive, twining form.

    Soil Preparation and Planting

    • Though adaptable to a wide variety of soil types, blue pea vine appreciates well-draining soil of moderate fertility. Amend the soil with nutrient-rich organic materials before sowing blue pea vine seeds to encourage successful germination and growth. Use a garden fork or tiller to incorporate 3 inches well-rotted compost, 2 inches peat moss and 1 inch perlite or coarsely-ground horticultural sand into the soil to a depth of 4 to 6 inches; rake the enriched soil to a smooth grade. Soak the seeds in cool water for four hours, then plant them 3 to 4 inches apart under 1 inch of soil; the seeds should germinate in seven to 14 days.

    Irrigation Requirements

    • Irrigate the seeds with a 1/2 inch of water immediately after sowing them in a garden bed. Continue to irrigate blue pea vine regularly while it is actively growing and blossoming. The University of Oklahoma Extension recommends keeping the soil evenly moistened at all times to promote the healthiest, most beautiful growth. Provide blue pea vine with up to 1 inch of supplemental irrigation per week; more frequent irrigation may be necessary in dry climates.

    Fertilization Requirements

    • Blue pea vine needs very little supplemental fertilization when grown in fertile soils that have been enriched with organic materials. However, occasional applications of fertilizer may be used to provide blue pea vines with the nutrients they need to flower continuously during their blooming season. Feed blue pea vine with a quarter-strength application of a high-phosphorus "bloom booster" fertilizer every three weeks, spring through summer. Apply the product according to label directions to ensure success.