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When Should Vinca Be Transplanted?

Vinca trails along the ground creating a thick, evergreen ground cover. The two species, Vinca major and Vinca minor, both originate in Europe. Vinca minor grows in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 4 through 8, while vinca major grows in zones 6 through 9. Select the right season to transplant for best growth and plant development.
  1. Transplanting

    • Transplant time is stressful for any plant. When digging an established plant out of the soil, it is nearly impossible to get all the roots. Once replanted, new roots form to replace what was lost. Vinca major and Vinca minor transplant well, but even hardy plants, moved at the wrong time, suffer. Hot summer sun and air dries out new transplants. Planted too late in the season, the roots fail to establish before winter cold arrives.

    Spring Transplanting

    • Spring provides the best conditions for transplanting vinca. Wait until the ground thaws and the last hard frosts are gone. Transplant when new growth begins to appear. Transplanting vinca in spring gives the plants a full growing season to get established before winter. With the plants entering a vigorous growth stage, they adapt quickly to their new environment. Spring rains keep the soil damp, reducing the need for regular watering. Transplant as early as possible in the season.

    Summer and Fall Transplanting

    • Late summer and early fall provide an alternative time to transplant vinca. Transplant early enough in the fall season to give the plants time to get established before winter. In most areas, any time between September and October works well. In areas with wet mild winters, transplant vinca any time in fall or winter. The cool, often wet fall weather reduces transplant shock. You can transplant in summer if necessary. Just choose a cool day or transplant early in the morning or late in the evening.

    Transplanting Methods

    • Dig out the roots using a shovel or garden fork. Prepare the planting hole in the new location. If you can't replant the vinca immediately, pack the roots in soil and keep them damp. Replant vinca with the base of the stems level with the soil line. Chose a spot that gets part to full shade for both Vinca major and Vinca minor. Keep new transplants damp until they get established in dry weather.