Home Garden

How to Propagate a Creeping Jenny

For many homeowners, the question is not "how to propagate" creeping Jenny, but instead "how to keep it from spreading." Creeping Jenny, also called moneywort, forms a dense carpet of foliage that spreads easily. Although useful as a ground cover in areas where soil is shallow, such as over drain fields or to edge walkways and soften the edges of ponds, creeping Jenny quickly invades neighboring areas if not kept in control.

Things You'll Need

  • Garden shears/ scissors
  • Plant pot
  • Potting soil
  • Trowel
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    • 1

      Anchor the runner, a long slender stem that grows along the ground and produces a new plantlet at its end, to the soil with a florist pin or a U-shaped wire. Creeping Jenny roots easily at each node, a small bump where leaves or roots form.

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      Cover the section of the runner with moist soil and keep it moist until roots form. Check for root formation by gently tugging on the stem. If it resists your efforts, roots have formed.

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      Clip the stem near the base of the new plant with a pair of garden shears or kitchen scissors to separate it from the parent plant.

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      Gently dig under the roots with a trowel and lift the baby plant free of the soil.

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      Replant in a pot filled with moist soil or transplant to the desired location that receives lighting that's similar to the original location.