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What Kind of Grass to Grow in Dry Sandy Areas?

Some types of grasses are suited to dry areas or sandy sites, but it can be difficult to find a grass that can withstand both because such conditions stress plants that are not well-adapted. To start your search, look for grasses that are suited to growing in regions where soils contain a large percentage of sand, such as coastal and desert areas, and for grasses listed as drought-tolerant.
  1. Native or Ornamental Grasses

    • Cool-season June grass, a native of prairie and high steppe environments, adapts to a wide variety of soils, offers shade tolerance and serves as a butterfly larvae host plant, according to Colorado State University Extension. The extension lists several warm-season native grasses suitable for dry, sandy sites. These include blue grama, which performs well in all soils; side oats grama, a sod-forming grass that is good for sloped areas; and big bluestem, which prefers moist locations and grows best in sandy soils, but can tolerate dry soils. Side oats grama and big bluestem can be used as pasture grass.

    Lawn Grass

    • Warm-season bahiagrass has a deep root system that allows it to resist drought and thrive on sandy sites. Bahiagrass makes a good lawn grass or pasture grass. Pest, nematode and disease resistance are among its benefits. The grass is adapted to use across the southern United States. Easy to establish and fast-growing, bahiagrass stands up well to wear.

    Temporary Ground Covers

    • Cereal rye is a cool-season grass that works well as a windbreak, a snowbreak and a cover crop in locations where you need the grass to out-compete weeds. It attracts beneficial insects and provides forage for early spring grazing, according to the University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service. Annual ryegrass grows in many types of soil to create winter forage and hay for farmers and to prevent erosion. Most varieties are cold-tolerant, and annual ryegrass can be used to overseed warm-season lawn grasses, providing winter color for your yard.

    Permanent Ground Covers

    • Sand dropseed is a warm-season grass, suitable for even semidesert locations. It serves as a feed for wildlife and for summer grazing for domestic animals. Smooth bromegrass performs better on other soils, but will grow in sandy soils. This cool-season grass helps stop erosion and serves as pasture grass and hay. According to the University of Missouri Extension, the grass does not recover well from cutting. Both sand dropseed and smooth bromegrass are deep-rooted, which helps them survive extreme conditions. Sheep fescue is a cool-season grass, resistant to frost. Unlike many grasses, sheep fescue tolerates shady sites. Sheep fescue is useful as a livestock forage.