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How to Grow Arctic Beauty Kiwi

For striking foliage and ability cover trellises and arbors rapidly, the Arctic Beauty kiwi vine is hard to beat. Known by the scientific name Actinidia kolomikta, this climbing woody vine belongs to the Actinidiaceae plant family. Each leaf has patches of color on it ranging from green to rose, red, pink and white. Male Arctic Beauty kiwi plants show the best leaf color but females produce small fruit. Plant both male and female plants if you want fruit. If you only have space for one, plant the more showy male.

Things You'll Need

  • Shovel
  • Fertilizer
  • Pruning shears
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    • 1

      Select a spot to plant your Arctic Beauty kiwi. A spot in full sun works well, but partial shifting sun creates the best leaf color. Plant in loamy soil that drains well.

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      Dig a hole at the base of a trellis, arbor, wall or other structure you want the kiwi to climb. Measure the pot it is in and make the hole twice as wide and the same depth.

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      Remove the Arctic Beauty kiwi from the nursery pot. Lay the pot on its side and grasp the base of the plant with one hand. Wiggle it free being careful not to damage or break the stem.

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      Handling the plant by the root ball, set it in the planting hole. Check to see if the base of the stem is level with the edge of the hole. Adjust the soil level in the bottom of the hole if it is above or below the soil line.

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      Fill in around the roots until the soil is level and pat it down with your hands or gently stomp the ground with your feet to settle the soil.

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      Water right away. Soak the soil within six hours to settle the soil around the roots and reduce transplant shock.

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      Prune in winter to control the size and shape. Thin out the vines if desired for a more open appearance.

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      Fertilize once in spring just before the kiwi begins to bud out. Apply fertilizer a second time in summer. Use a balanced 10-10-10 fertilizer. Consult the package to determine the rate and application method.