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How to Fertilize Bougainvillaea

The tropical and subtropical bougainvillea produces tall vines adorned with a multitude of colorful flowers during the summer months. The plant adds beauty to the landscape as either a focal point or when grown along walls or fences. The plants require regular fertilization to fuel their rapid growth and long flowering period. Under-fertilized bougainvillea vines grow poorly, have reduced blooms, and may develop weak or yellowed foliage. Using a slow-release fertilizer ensures the fertilizer nutrients remain active in the soil for a longer period so the vines can withstand less frequent feeding.

Things You'll Need

  • 20-20-20 slow release fertilizer
  • Foliar spray
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      Spread 1 cup of a 20-20-20 or similar balanced slow-release fertilizer over every 50 square feet of garden bed prior to planting. Turn the fertilizer into the top 8 to 10-inches of soil with a spade or a hoe.

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      Fertilize the bougainvillea with the balanced fertilizer a second time in midsummer, approximately two to three months after planting. Sprinkle the fertilizer around the plant, keeping it 8 to 12-inches away from the trunk. Water the bougainvillea thoroughly after fertilizing.

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      Feed the bougainvillea with the slow-release fertilizer each year in spring as new growth begins. Make a second midsummer application annually, approximately two to three months after the spring application.

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      Apply a foliar spray containing minor nutritive elements in spring and midsummer, beginning in the second year after planting. Apply the spray at half the rate recommended on the label.