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Yellow-Flowered Vines That Grow Fast

Yellow is not as common of a flower color on fast-growing vines as you would think. Red, pink, white, blue and purple are frequently seen on vines such as trumpet creepers, wisterias, clematis and jasmines. A markedly lower number of ornamental vines -- species or cultivars -- produce yellow blossoms. It takes some research to find which cultivars or species are available and suited for your region's climate.
  1. Vine Types

    • Distinguishing vining plants among online and print garden literature takes time. Some plants are more shrubby with long, vinelike stems but lack any tendrils that clasp and hold onto trellises or fences. Allamanda and bougainvillea plants are such examples and offer cultivars or species with yellowy flower hues. Among the vines that do twist and clasp onto a support structure with flexible stems, there are tender or hardy varieties. Tender vines usually have tropical origins and are killed when exposed to subfreezing temperatures. Therefore, they are grown as summer annuals in temperate climates. Hardy vines are naturally able to survive colder winters, although their hardiness to cold varies by species.


    • Any yellow-flowering vine that grows fast tends to have tropical origins, oftentimes an annual in life cycle. With a short life span, the plants grow quickly with lots of leaves to support the production of flowers and fruits with seeds. Several non-tropical yellow-flowering vines are perennial and native to colder winter areas, however. Regardless of plant, they grow the fastest when in fertile, moist but well-drained soil, often with lots of sunshine. Inhospitable growing conditions slow the growth rate of vines, causing them to mature rather small, weak or short-lived.


    • Among the yellow-flowering vines that grow quickly and are suitable to temperate climates include honeysuckles (Lonicera japonica and L. periclymenum), jessamines (Gelsemium sempervirens and G. rankii), yellow confederate jasmine (Trachelospermum jasminoies "Madison"), yellow trumpet vine (Campsis radicans f. flava) and Golden Tiara Korean clematis (Clematis serratifolia "Kugotia"). In tropical gardens, yellow gloriosa lily (Gloriosa superba "Lutea"), butterfly vine (Mascagnia macroptera), wild allamanda (Pentalinon luteum), black-eyed Susan vine (Thunbergia alata), Tonkin creeper (Telosma cordata) and canary creeper (Tropaeolum peregrinum) grow quickly in hot temperatures and with high moisture.


    • Because of the huge geographical differences in climate and soils in the United States, choosing the best yellow-flowering vine with fast growth isn't simple or obvious. What may excel in Florida may not do well in California. Contact your local cooperative extension office or botanical garden and speak to a horticulturist well-versed in vines. Ask for recommendations on which yellow-flowering vines do well in the area and meet your needs for fast growth or use in your landscape. Some vines, such as honeysuckles, grow quickly, but are aggressive and invasive and are not appropriate to grow in some parts of North America.