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Does Ivy Harm Plaster Walls?

Plaster is a mixture of lime, water and either sand or cement that is used on walls. It creates a smooth surface once dry. Plaster is similar to cement and mortar, but is much softer. For that reason, it is usually used indoors. Although not a lot is known about what ivy will do to plaster, since more durable substances are unable to hold up under ivy, plaster won't fare much better.
  1. About Ivy

    • Ivy is the common name of about 15 climbing plants. Most commonly found varieties of ivy in landscapes and homes include Boston, English, Algerian and Persian ivy. Boston ivy, also known as Japanese Creeper, uses suction cup-like discs to attach to surfaces. This allows it to attach to almost any surface, even smooth ones. English, Algerian and Persian ivies use aerial rootlets that will only attach to rough surfaces, like brick or trees.

    Surface Damage

    • The best-case scenario is that the ivy will only damage the surface of the plaster. Ivy attaches itself to the surface it grows on. Anywhere the ivy attaches to the plaster may become stained by the ivy. Ivy will also hold moisture to the surface it is growing on. The moisture will damage the plaster and can lead to mold and mildew problems.

    Ivy Buildup

    • The longer ivy grows on a surface, the more damage it causes. Ivy can become quite heavy and literally overload a wall with its weight. Over time, parts of the ivy will die and decay. Decaying plants create humic acid, a substance that can dissolve rock and mortar. Ivy will also hide any problems, like cracks, that need to be dealt with.

    Damage From Removal

    • Removing ivy from walls often creates the most damage, unless done right. The same substance that kept ivy clinging to the surface has been known to peel paint and tear stucco and mortar from the wall. The best way to remove ivy is to cut the ivy away from the surface of the wall, leaving the suckers clinging to the plaster. Wait a week or two for the suckers to dry up and turn brown. Scrub them from the wall with soap and water.