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How to Transplant a Stephanotis Vine

The stephanotis vine (Stephanotis floribunda) is an evergreen plant variety that grows only in the extreme Southern United States and Hawaii due to its frost intolerance. The vine has other common names, including Madagascar jasmine, due to the jasminelike scent and bridal veil, due to the large white flower blossoms. Since stephanotis vine is mostly grown in pots or baskets, periodic transplanting it is required to prevent the roots form overcrowding.

Things You'll Need

  • Plant pot
  • Potting soil
  • Sand
  • Bucket
  • Hand trowel
  • All purpose granular fertilizer
  • Trellis
  • Hammer (optional)
  • Garden tape
  • Water
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      Locate a plant pot at least one size larger than the current pot the stephanotis vine is in.

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      Fill a bucket with equal parts of potting soil and course sand and mix the two materials up thoroughly with a hand trowel. The sand increases drainage, which is required for the stephanotis vine’s health.

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      Open a container if all-purpose, granular fertilizer and add it into the bucket. Use the amount specified for a single plant. Remix the soil using the trowel.

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      Fill the new pot’s bottom with the soil mixture until it is 1/2 to 1/3 full.

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      Remove the stephanotis vine from the old pot by carefully unwrapping the vine from any existing trellis and cutting through any gardening tape using scissors. Pull the trellis out of the pot and turn the pt sideways to remove the vine’s root ball.

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      Insert the root ball into the new pot’s center and fill in the holes around the side with additional soil mixture until it rises to the root ball’s top.

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      Insert the old trellis or a new one into the soil at the rear of the plant pot until it feels sturdy. If desired, insert the trellis into the ground behind the pot by tapping the bottom into the ground with a hammer.

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      Twist the vines around the trellis gently until the plant truck stands upright. If needed, secure smaller parts of the vine to the trellis using pieces of garden tape tied in a knot behind the trellis.

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      Water the soil until it seeps out of the bottom of the pot.