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How to Grow Vinca Periwinkle Flowers in a Pot

There are several varieties of vinca, which is also called periwinkle. The plant is a trailing or hanging species that can sprawl when planted in ground and form an excellent ground cover. It is a vigorous annual or perennial plant that can be grown in a rockery or pot as a trailing accent. The glossy green leaves and vining stems make an attractive foil for brightly colored annual flowers or to add dimensional difference in a container display. Vinca minor has small leaves and purple or white flowers when compared with Vinca major, which has blooms nearly an inch across. Vinca is tolerant of many soil types and suitable for low light or dappled light conditions.

Things You'll Need

  • Pruning shears
  • Compost
  • Potting soil
  • All-purpose liquid fertilizer (10-10-10)
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      Remove the vinca starts from their pots, and shake off excess dirt. Check the roots for any damage, and prune any dark or discolored material off the base.

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      Fill a pot with a half-and-half mixture of potting soil and compost. The compost will increase the tilth of the potting medium and accentuate the drainage. Dig a hole just deep enough for the vinca root ball. Place the vinca starts at least six to eight inches apart at the edges of the pot so that they will trail over the edge. Fill in around the roots, and press the soil in to compress.

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      Water the pot until it leaches moisture out the drainage holes. This will settle the soil. Add more soil if necessary to bring the level to just under the lip of the pot. Keep the pot evenly moist, and place it in a semishady area for best growth.

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      Prune the vinca as it gets too long and drags on the ground.

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      Fertilize perennial vinca in spring just before new growth begins. Use the amount recommended for the size of pot you have. Mix it with water, and add the mixture to the soil.