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How to Grow Scarletcreeper

A member of the morning glory family, scarletcreeper (Ipomoea hederifolia) features vivid red blossoms that last for just one day. This plant is considered a noxious weed and is prohibited from planting in Arizona and Arkansas, along with other species of the Ipomoea family. Gardeners in other regions can enjoy scarletcreeper's vivid flowers and dense foliage, which can grow along a fence to form a natural privacy screen.

Things You'll Need

  • Spade
  • Garden rake
  • Bowl
  • Trellis (optional)
  • String
  • Garden shears
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      Choose a full sun location for your scarletcreeper that allows the plant room to grow. Since this plant needs support, choose a location that offers a natural trellis, such as alongside a fence, or find a suitable trellis to plant along with the scarletcreeper.

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      Prepare the soil for planting by turning it over with a spade. Remove rocks, sticks and debris. After turning, rake the soil back into place with a garden rake to make sure no hills or valleys exist.

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      Wait until frost danger passes to plant your seeds. The night before you intend to plant, soak the seeds in warm water to promote faster germination.

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      Dig a hole for the trellis, if necessary. Plant the trellis at least 6 inches underground for stability. Push soil against the trellis to secure it. If growing scarletcreeper against a fence or previously installed trellis, skip this step.

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      Dig a trench 1/2 inch deep. Scatter scarletcreeper seeds in the trench, leaving 1 inch between seeds. Push soil over the seeds to complete planting.

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      Water the soil to moisten it. Thereafter, water the soil when it becomes dry to the touch, adding liquid to saturate the soil.

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      Train the developing scarletcreeper to grow up the trellis by tying the shoots to the trellis with string. Tie loosely so as not to cut into the plant tissue.

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      Prune back vines that grow around other vines, since this will suffocate the flower. Also prune back the scarletcreeper as it grows too tall or spreads too much. If left untended, it will form a dense tangle.