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How to Grow Poet's Jasmine

Poet's jasmine, or true jasmine (Jasminum officinale), produces fragrant white blossoms in the early summer. Both the leaves and blossoms can be steeped fresh or dried for jasmine tea. Grow this plant, which can reach 20 feet in length if unpruned, as far north as U.S. Department of Agriculture hardiness zone 7B. The "Aureoviegatum" cultivar has variegated leaves, and the "Affine" cultivar features large white blossoms with pink insides.

Things You'll Need

  • Trellis (optional)
  • Shovel
  • Balanced fertilizer
  • Organic mulch
  • Plastic garden tape
  • Pruning shears
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      Find the right site for your jasmine. This plant needs a trellis, but its roots can damage wood buildings. Select a site that offers a natural trellis, such as a metal fence, or purchase a sturdy trellis to install at the time of planting. Support system aside, this plant does best in full sun to part shade and enjoys a soil pH of 6.0 to 7.5

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      Dig a hole for your jasmine plant that is twice the width and depth of the plant's root ball. If planting your trellis, dig a long trench at least 6 inches deep. Push the bottom 6 inches of the trellis into the trench, then cover it with soil. Firmly press the soil against the trellis so it's securely planted.

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      Remove the poet's jasmine from its container and place in the prepared hole. Spread the plant roots out against the soil, then fill in the hole with dirt to complete planting.

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      Fertilize the jasmine at time of planting with 1 cup of balanced fertilizer, such as 8-8-8 or 10-10-10. Scatter dry fertilizer around the plant roots, and water the ground to saturate the soil, thereby dispersing nutrients.

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      Mulch the jasmine with 2 inches of organic mulch to help the soil retain water.

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      Water the plant when the soil becomes dry to the touch, adding liquid to saturate the soil.

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      Tie plant stems to the trellis with plastic garden tape, which won't crush the stems. As your jasmine grows, continue to tie it to the trellis until it naturally clings to the support.

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      Cut back jasmine as desired to maintain the shape and size of your plant. Using pruning shears, clip back long tendrils.