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Trimming a Jasmine Vine

Jasmine plants come in numerous varieties, with some blooming in the spring and summer and other varieties blooming in the winter months. However, they all grow in a vine form that trails out along the ground or up trellises and other vertical surfaces. An important part of caring for jasmine vines is pruning them back annually. Pruning removes the dead portions and keeps the vine length in check so that it does not overtake the planting space.

Things You'll Need

  • Hand pruners
  • Latex gloves (optional)
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    • 1

      Look at the back of the jasmine vine or trellis, if possible. Locate any portions of the vines that grow out horizontally instead of vertically. Trim them back using hand pruners until they blend in with the surrounding vines.

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      Walk to the front of the jasmine vine and repeat the procedure to locate any vines the stick out horizontally from the front. Trim these back as well until they blend in with the other vines.

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      Look at the tops of each of the jasmine vines and identify a maximum height for them, which can be any height you desire. Cut off the leftmost stem at the desired height using the hand pruners. Then work your way across the top of the remaining vines cutting them off at the same height.

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      Look at the stems starting at the base of the soil and working your way up. Locate any of them that have bare spots near the soil, which means they are older vines. Cut these vines off flush with the soil using the hand pruners.

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      Rake up all of the pruned vine portions from the ground and throw them away.