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How to Kill Vinca Ground Cover

Groundcovers help prevent soil erosion and moisture evaporation in your yard. However, they sometimes overgrow their boundaries and may act like weeds in the landscape. Vinca is a type of flowering groundcover that also goes by the common names of periwinkle and creeping myrtle. Controlling this plant in your landscape allows you to reclaim areas of soil for use in planting other varieties of groundcovers and flowering plants.

Things You'll Need

  • Black plastic
  • Stones or bricks
  • Garden tiller
  • Pre-emergent herbicide
  • Post-emergent herbicide
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      Hand-pull small sprigs of vinca that appear among other plants. Soften firm, dry soils by watering the ground prior to weeding. Grasp the vincas low on the stems to remove as much of the roots as possible. Vinca can reproduce from root cuttings, often allowing new plants to emerge from broken roots that remain below the surface of the soil.

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      Kill off large areas of vinca by covering them with a thick piece of black plastic. Press the plastic firmly against the ground and hold it in place with heavy stones or bricks, eliminating as much air and light as possible. Vinca survives in shady areas, but completely cutting off the light supply will eventually cause the plants to wither and die.

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      Remove the black plastic after the vinca wilts. Till the soil, breaking up the dead plants and their root systems. Rake up the dead vegetation and remove it from the area. Till and rake a second time to ensure the complete removal of all plant parts.

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      Treat the soil with a pre-emergent herbicide to kill any viable seeds that remain in the soil. Select an herbicide labeled for use on vinca, such as napropamide, prodiamine or pendimethalin. Apply the herbicide on a dry, calm day, following the instructions on the label. Wait the recommended amount of time before placing new plants in the soil.

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      Kill any stubborn vinca plants with a post-emergent herbicide, such as fenoxaprop. Apply the liquid herbicide in a thin stream directly to the leaves and exposed portions of vinca plants. Use caution when applying this to vinca plants that are surrounded by desirable groundcovers and flowers, since an overspray can damage and kill other varieties of plants.