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Different Color Clematises

Take your garden to new heights by growing clematis, which is considered one of the most spectacular, decorative vines in existence, according to Clemson University Cooperative Extension. The colorful flowers come in a three distinct forms; bell or urn shaped, flat or open and loose clustered. Some varieties, such as sweet autumn clematis, produce flowers that are highly fragrant. By growing a wide variety of clematis, you can have them in bloom from February until the first fall frost.
  1. White

    • White-flowered clematis are ideal plants for moon gardens. Clematis flammula is a species clematis with small white flowers that appear in terminal clusters in August and September. This particular clematis reaches a mature height of 15 to 20 feet and is easy to grow from seed. Clematis terniflora, or sweet autumn clematis, is an aggressive vine that produces masses of fragrant white flowers in autumn. The mature plant reaches a height of 30 feet. Heavy pruning after flowering, or in early spring, is necessary to keep this variety under control.


    • Red flowers draw the eye. Red creates excitement. Planting a vibrant red-flowered clematis on a trellis and using it as a focal point in the garden is a wonderful way to create a living focal point. Clematis Niobe reaches a mature height of 8 feet and flowers from June through September. The flowers range in size from 4 to 6 inches in diameter. The dark, ruby red cup-shaped flowers become brighter with age.


    • Purple clematis come in a wide range of shades including purple, lavender and violet-blue. Clematis alpina reaches a mature height of 6 to 8 feet. This particular species produces bell-shaped flowers on long stalks in April and May. Clematis Mrs. Cholmondeley produces large flowers from May through October. This particular clematis reaches a mature height of 20 feet and is considered one of the “foolproof” varieties according to Ohio State University.


    • Clematis flowers come in light pink, dark pink and every shade in between. Clematis alpina Candy is a bi-color clematis. The outer petals of the flower are light pink. The interior of the flower is pastel pink. The plant blooms from April to May and reaches a mature height of 6 to 8 feet. Clematis Comtesse de Bouchard produces masses of pink flowers in July and August. The flowers range in size from 4 to 6 inches in diameter. This particular clematis reaches a mature height of 6 to 8 feet.


    • Yellow flowers light up a garden, especially when they are grown vertically. Clematis tangutica produces masses of 1- to 1 ½-inch long flowers from July to October and is the most common yellow-flowered variety according to Ohio State University Extension. The flowers form on a long stalk, with up to three flowers in a cluster. The vine reaches a mature height of 10 to 15 feet at maturity.