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Passion Vine Is Killing Roses

The passion vine is a vigorously growing plant with invasive tendencies. It produces rich green foliage and blooms vibrantly colored, spring and summer flowers. This perennial is a heavy feeder and will quickly expand its vines in search of nutrients and water. The passion vine’s heavy feeding can quickly kill nearby roses as it steals their nutrients.
  1. Pruning

    • If you want to keep the passion vines and the roses without moving them from their planting location, you must take regular steps to control the passion vine’s growth. To keep the passion vine from choking your roses, you must prune the passion vine regularly throughout the growing season, from early spring through late fall. Cut this vine back heavily during the early spring. Cut damaged and unhealthy vines back to their healthiest location or further back if desired. Remove suckers periodically through the rest of the season to keep the passion vine from spreading and climbing into the roses’ area.


    • If the passion vine has established itself into the roses’ planting area, you will need to remove the passion vine’s roots from that area. Use your shovel to dig up the passion vine’s root system. Be sure to remove all of the root’s pieces to prevent the passion vine from growing back in that area. Remove any vines that lie around the rose bed.


    • Once you have cleared the passion vine from the roses, take a moment to inspect the roses and prune away any dead or damaged stems and blooms. Replenish the planting area’s soil and irrigate the roses deeply, if the soil has begun to dry. Fertilize the roses according to their needs and schedule requirements. Be sure to follow your fertilizer’s instructions carefully to prevent over-fertilizing and injuring the roses.


    • If the passion vine is something that you simply want removed from the area, you must dig up the passion vine and control its re-emergence with a perennial herbicide. Removing the vine may be a challenging process for the uncontrolled and unpruned passion vine. Trim back and discard the vine until you reach the base of the vine. Then, remove the roots from the soil. Spray the area thoroughly with an herbicide to prevent regrowth. Apply the herbicide according to the directions and during the indicated season to ensure that the emerging plant tissue is killed.