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Plant Growth and Colloidal Silver

When colloidal silver is used as an organic fertilizer and pesticide, it increases plant health and growth. Since early in the 20th century, it has been a natural antibiotic for humans but was considered too expensive to use on plants. The cost of production has fallen and, at the time of publication, it is cheaper to use than traditional chemicals.
  1. Colloidal Silver

    • Colloidal silver is a powerful antibiotic and disinfectant for human, animal and plant health. It comprises small particles of metallic silver suspended in pure water. Silver ions suffocate pathogens by attaching to the respiratory sites of these bacteria. Colloidal silver is an all-natural, environmentally-safe mineral supplement. It is available in health food stores or online. Purchasing an inexpensive colloidal silver generator for home production is another option.

    Plant Growth

    • Colloidal silver is used as an organic pesticide for growing plants that are more resistant to harmful microorganisms. It kills bacteria, viruses and other pathogens that attack plants, and it also eliminates parasites such as fungi, grubs and sapsuckers. Colloidal silver controls bud drop, rose rust, fruit tree leaf curl and tomato blight. Soaking seeds in colloidal silver before planting increases germination and reduces mold growth in sprouts.

    Soil Application

    • Small amounts of colloidal silver diluted with pure water can be sprayed on soil in the garden, home or greenhouse. The plant absorbs the microscopic silver particles which enable it to resist deadly pathogens. Colloidal silver is so effective that a light application is sufficient to protect the plant. Heavier doses can destroy helpful as well as harmful bacteria.

    Surface Application

    • A light spray of colloidal silver on the stem and leaf surfaces allows the plant to absorb silver ions that prevent fungus, viruses and bacteria from colonizing the outer surface. As an added benefit, colloidal silver not only kills plant pathogens but also destroys insect eggs, breaking their life cycle. Unlike chemical pesticides that kill all bugs, colloidol silver does not affect mature insects, protecting bees, ladybugs and other helpful insects. Periodically reapply colloidal silver when insect pests deposit their eggs or if plant damage is seen.


    • The small amount of colloidal silver used as a spray application for plants is considered harmless. Eating fruits and vegetables sprayed with colloidal silver causes no health risk. Breathing the fumes associated with spraying is also safe. The Environmental Protection Agency lists argyria, a bluish-gray discoloration of the skin, as the only critical effect for a human ingesting a large amount of silver.