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Natural Things to Add to Water to Make My Plant Grow

People often assume that when plants are struggling they need a standard garden fertilizer. This is not always the case. Most fertilizers provide nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium -- designated NPK -- but plants can have deficiencies in other nutrients. Varieties of natural liquid fertilizers provide micronutrients, amino acids and other compounds that stimulate plant growth.
  1. Liquid Kelp

    • Sea kelp contains high concentrations of micronutrients, amino acids and plant growth hormones that are not present in typical NPK fertilizers. Plant growth hormones promote cell division in plants and increase heat, cold and drought tolerances. Kelp is available in meal, powder and liquid forms. Apply liquid kelp directly to plant leaves or introduce it to the irrigation system.

    Fish Emulsion

    • Fish emulsions are liquid fertilizers produced from fish waste through a process involving heat and acid. They provide essential micronutrients for plants and have a strong fish odor. A similar product is enzymatically digested hydrolyzed liquid fish, which uses enzymes rather than heat and acid to liquefy fish waste, preserving more micronutrients. Apply either supplement by adding it to water before watering plants.

    Liquid Bone Meal

    • Bone meal is a source of phosphorous for plants. Although it provides one of the major plant nutrients, a natural form is readily accessible to plants. Although typically seen in dry form, liquid bone meal for foliar feeding is also available. Bone meal application is ideal for transplants as phosphorous promotes root growth and plant establishment. It also speeds up growth and increases flower production and fruit size.

    Liquid Lime

    • Some soils are deficient in calcium, an essential nutrient for turf grass, ground cover and many vegetables such as tomatoes, potatoes and lettuce. Lime is the standard soil amendment for treating calcium deficiency. It is usually in powder form, but it is also available in liquid form for easy application in water.